Sunday, January 25, 2009

We're not alone!

Rose is Rose by Pat Brady, found at Chron. Thanks!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome, Mr. President!

Found at Thank you!

Finally, the leading saddle of the free world has been taken over by the new President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. The world has never seen such an anticipation, such high hopes and so many good wishes to his presidency.

In his inaugural address, he conveyed a spirited encouragement to all Americans and also all citizens of the World to come together and work together to answet the tough questions ahead.

I will not dwell on his origin, on what he has achieved through dilligence, hard work and intelligence, or the momentous significance of his inauguration for everybody. His message is hope, but also courage, cooperation and hard work. Everybody pinned their hopes on him, and of course he will not be able to honor them all. But he can lead by example, and by following it, we can (and should) solve our own problems ourselves. I wish him good luck!
And for those of you who remember the year of fat cows, the pinnacle of eight years of Clinton's booming economy, the pre-dotcom-bubble-burst 2000, and the academic debate about the stiffness and fibbing of Gore and "plain-old-dumb-what-could-he possibly-do-wrong" W., here is a small Doonesbury time capsule, thanks to G.B. Trudeau. Remember the price we all have been paying for the last eight years (and will continue to do so for many years to come) for leisurely playing the harp, eating grapes and complaining about the direction of the wind and softness of the sun.
Do Not Forget.

Found at Houston Chronicle. Thank you!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bodita pazljiv in you hiter odgovoriti!

Tole pismo je danes zjutraj priletelo v moj nabiralnik, in preprosto sem ga moral deliti z vami.
(Sporocilo je lazno: ce ste ga dobili tudi vi, ga hitro pobrisite!)

Poleg tega je sporocilo zelo zabavno. Kot vse kaze, je bilo v slovenscino prevedeno avtomatsko, s pomocjo programa, naslovi za sporocanje so lazni, z odgovorom pa sporocis posiljatelju svoj (delujoc) naslov, uporabnisko ime in se celo geslo. Od tu naprej vas nabiralnik lahko postane t.i. zombi, preko katerega se naprej posilja spam.

Nauk: noben racunalniski administrator uporabnikov nikoli ne bo spraseval po imenu in geslu, se najmanj pa preko nekega e-sporocila.

From: admin []
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:39 AM
Subject: Preveri in posodobi vaš Webmail račun.

Dragi Webmail Uporabniki

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy Merry 2009!

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