Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Year of Magical Thinking

Te dni je bil Dublinu gledališki festival. Naša šefica za kulturo je seveda vedela zanj in se tudi ustrezno pripravila. Lepega dne me je Hop! pod roko in hajd v mesto. V skriti kotiček pod arkadami, kjer prodajajo karte za predstave. Prijazne tete so nama rade volje povedale, da karte za Gaiety Theatre prodajajo kakih 100m naprej. The Year of Magical Thinking je bila paradni konj letošnjega festivala, saj Vanesse Redgrave ne vidiš vsak dan na odrskih deskah tostran Atlantika. Še sreča, da sva prišla po karte dva tedna prej, kajti po mojem sva dobila prav zadnje. V loži, tik nad reflektorji, kjer bi malce manj uglajen fast-food mladenič lahko v miru basal kokice in srebal bozo ali hladno limonado. Ker smo seveda iz dobre družine, sva se zadovoljila s pringlesi in maltezerji.

Predstava je monodrama, enodejanka, v kateri nam junakinja uro in pol razlaga zgodbo zadnjega leta, v kateri je pretrpela veliko osebno in družinsko tragedijo. Leto čarobnih misli je tako leto, v katerem se na svoj način poslavlja od življenja, kot ga je poznala do takrat. Obenem prehaja iz stanja vzporednega bivanja polnega mrzlične aktivnosti, zaznavanja stvari v luči lastnih vzorcev dojemanja, želja ter obrambnih mehanizmov pred strašnimi dogodki, v stanje sprijaznjenja ter žalovanja. Uro in pol nas drži s svojo pripovedjo - s kot struna napeto jekleno vrvjo skozi slap svojih besed - v pričakovanju odrešilne katarze, ki je noče biti od nikoder. Šele zadnji stavek sklene pripoved: "Takrat se je začelo žalovanje."

Skozi zgodbo sorazmerno premožne ameriške meščanske družine, kjer sta oba starša gledališčnika, spoznavamo svet idealov, strasti, in vrednot. Skozi vinjete, v obliki katerih junakinja podaja zgodbo, izvemo tudi drobce, ki tvorijo vsak človeški odnos in ga naredijo otipljivega, znanega, domačega. Skozi te zgodbe sicer družine ne spoznamo dovolj, vendar se zaradi teh drobcev laže poistovetimo z njeno potjo, razmišljanjem in doživljanjem. Na koncu nas pusti v našem lastnem svetu - pred gledališčem, z gledališkim listom v roki, s pogledom, ki išče sočloveka.

Deževna ulica je bila polna odhajajočih obiskovalcev gledališča. Patricija mi je spet enkrat pričarala nasmeh - po mnogih letih sem bil končno spet v gledališču. Spet doma.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dublin Simon Fun Run - Mission Accomplished!

Dear Friends,

This Saturday, the Dublin Simon Fun Run has been a phenomenal success! We had pure sun, great spirit and a lot of fun running down the most beautiful city park in this part of Europe, the Phoenix Park. But you dont have to take my word for it, open your eyes and fill your heart with the Good of this charity run!

The tree-lined path to the start was shady and cool. We couldn't wait to see where the track will take us - which part of the Enchanted Forest we will visit this time?

And here we were! The first glance was already promising. Red hot cars = action!

The participants were having a lot of fun, dressing up to the latest fashion. You know, these kids today... But as they say, when the music is too strange and too loud, you are too old.

So here we were, a couple of brave, yet still running tourists, in our best Saturday gear.

The media were very supportive, they actually sent in their "Road Hog" machine to give up-to-date account of the race on the airwaves. Maaamaaa, look at mee!! (oh dang!)
Just in case anyone would get any funny ideas, the Garda were there to kick their naughty bits.
Here we see some groupies attracted to the blinding light of fame and prestige.

The fair was alive with buzz and excitement. We couldn't wait to get started. Because remember, only the first 3000 runners would get the goodie bags!!! This meant only one thing: be here or be squere! :)
Patricija got chatted up by the Indian Chief. He looked part Viking part biker to me, but who am I to judge? (nisam ja odavde PRESS)
Charity runs have a strong tradition in Ireland, and it was great to see the proud supporters of various causes unfurl their colors.
Patricija gearing up. Polar was already beating to the beat of the drum. Was that the starter's gun?
Local "celebrities" were taking care of the good mood.
We had another 300 m to go to reach the starting line,and the closer we get, the merrier was the mood.
Pegaz in full regalia.

... and the rest of the gang. When do we run?
Check it out - another bird of feather found me! Sorry mate, we're about to start, otherwise a pint or two would be in order!
And so we went. The sun kept its promise and it was easy to forget why we were here... and just sit in the grass and smell the flowers... Like Ferdinand the Bull.
But the race was on. Do not forget, only 3000 goodie bags were in store. 3000! That's not all that many. What if...? Better step on it, mama!

And you hunger for the time
Time to heal, desire, time
And your earth moves beneath
Your own dream landscape
[U2 - A Sort of Homecoming]
It was easy to run - we had COMPANY!
The native onlookers were staring in disbelief. Why are they running, there is nobody chasing them...!
We had great cheering audience.

More of the stuff the dreams are made of.
Curly, you check for the runners on the left, and I'll cover the right. If you see a cute guy, discreetly wave the tail twice!
The final approach.
Solitary, but never lonely.

And there it was. Our goal, our dream, our goodie bag!
Oh well, it was only 5 miles, let's not get too emotional.
We ran, we won, we accomplished our mission. And with your generous help in sponsoring our run, we have contributed towards helping the homeless people in Dublin!
Thank you so much!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dublin Simon Fun Run

Dear Friends,

To leave behind the rush of the elections, Patricija & I decided to do something charitable.
In Ireland, charity is a virtue of high-visibility, and sports events often promote some charitable cause, collecting money at the event (like money for animal shelter in Repkov Tek in Slovenia).

This time, we have joined the 25th Annual Simon Fun Run. in 5 miles in Phoenix park in Dublin, we will meet with more than 2000 runners that traditionally run in this event. In addition to the starting fee, we have donated some money ourselves. If you feel like contributing and support the cause, here is the link to donate ("sponsor" the runner):

Click here to sponsor Pegaz

And this are the words I put together for the sponsoring page.
If you decide to donate through PayPal, I will receive an email.
Of course, I will forward any money collected this way to the organizers.


Dear Sponsor, Dear Friend,

This Sunday, 11. October, we are running for the benefit of the homeless people in Dublin. I support this initiative since I think this is a good way to do something for them in an organized way. Patricija & I are running the race together - for the first time! - and are looking for "sponsors" to co-donate for our cause with us.

Charity runs are one of the nicest traditions in Ireland, and I am very grateful to you for your time and for whatever you can spend to help.

About payment: you can use the sponsorship fom on the Simon Fun Run website. Since the page is not secure (https://), you can also use
and go to Send money - Send Money online

From: "your email"
For: service/other
You will have to create an account with PayPal, but I find it one of the few really useful sites to leave my credit card info in. I have been using it since 2000.

And of course, stay tuned to the post-FunRun report on!

Thank you again for your support!

Yours, always,

Andrej / Pegaz